Friday, 20 July 2007

My Family


Rheuben Miles married Charity Marshell.


Children of Rheuben

Stephen Miles George Miles

1817 1840

Stephen married Harriett Varnes


Children of Stephen

Arthur Miles Harriet Miles

George Miles married Elizabeth Legg.


Children of George

Rhueben Miles John Miles Harriet Miles Alfred Miles William Miles

1868 1862 1863 1868 1865

John Miles married Alice Lambert


Children of John.

Walter Miles Rosette miles George Miles Frank Miles Flora Miles Charles Miles.

1885 1890 1892 1894 1896 1899.

Charles married Fanny Pink


Children of Charles

David Miles Peter Miles Basil Miles Mary Miles

c 1925 1926 1927 1929

David never married.

Peter married Dorothy hawthorn.

Children of Peter

Susan Miles Christine Miles John Miles

All these are still living and so have not put in dates.

Basil married Edith Carter.


Child of Basil.

Vanessa Miles.


Mary married Tom Heard


children of Mary.

Graham Heard Stephen Heard

Both are still living so no dates.

. .

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi my gt-grandfather was from heyshott and his aunt married Alfred Miles,q847. I have lots of info on them. If interested please contact me